After graduating from the prestigious School of Documentary Photography in Newport, South Wales, I have used video and photography to tell powerful stories. My career took off after creating a film about dyslexia, which aired worldwide and shed light on how dyslexia influenced Eniten's actions. "Rachel's Story," an educational film about drug misuse, followed and was shown on primetime TV, featured in most national newspapers, and screened in schools across the UK.
These groundbreaking projects established me as a successful filmmaker and led to collaborations with the BBC, Cadw, The Eden Project, the NHS, charities, councils, and other national institutions.
My talent for filmmaking lies in my good eye and ability to enable people to share stories, highlight issues, and evoke deep emotional connections with the audience.
In 2013, I was encouraged to take on the challenge of transforming Communications and Marketing at St Michael's Hospice in Hereford. While continuing to use my photography and video skills, I revolutionised the hospice's approach to patient and supporter engagement, creating impactful patient literature and a new website, promoting events, and playing a central role in raising the millions of pounds required to fund and maintain a new hospice. After leaving St Michael's, I took on the challenge of marketing and communications for Fastershire, a joint venture with Herefordshire Council and Gloucestershire County Council, and internet service providers to transform broadband coverage across the counties.
Now, after Fastershire has met its objectives, I'm focusing on my passion for filmmaking and photography. I'm on a mission to create affordable films that drive meaningful change. 
Additionally, I love running marathons and coaching fellow runners to get the most out of their sport.
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